Studio Guidelines 1. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. Any payments made after the 10th will receive a $15 late fee. NO EXCEPTIONS! 2.Cash: Please place cash in an envelope. On the outside of the envelope please list the following: child’s name, total cash and the month tuition is being paid 3. Checks: Dancers name should be put in the memo field on the check. Checks should be made payable to Fancy Dancer 4.Returned Check: The fee for a returned check is $35.00. If this happens you must make all future payments in cash or money orders. 5. Venmo: @fancy-abby 6. Debit/Credit: A 3% fee will be added 7. Late Fee: Any payments made after the 10th of the month will incur a $15 late fee. We must receive the payment in our office by the 11th! 8. OUTSTANDING DEBT: It is studio policy that a student cannot participate in the recital if there are ANY outstanding debts owed to the studio. All outstanding debts MUST be paid no later than May 23rd . Payments after May 23rd must be made in cash. 9. WITHDRAWAL: If a student must withdraw, a written notice is required. Tuition must be paid for the following month after the withdrawl notice is written. You can email, mail or drop off the written notice.